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Frledland В. and Stern Т. Е.. On Periodicity of States In Linear Modular Sequential Circuits, IRE Trans., vol. IT-5, pp. 136-137, 1959.

Gill A., Comparison of Finite-State Models, IRE Trans., vol. CT-7, pp. 178-179, 1960.

Gill A., Analysis of Nets by Numerical Methods, J. Assoc. Comput. Mach., vol. 7, 251-254, 1960.

Gill A., Characterizing Experiments for Finite-memory Binary Automata, IRE Trans., vol. EC-9, pp. 469-471, 1960.

Gill A., A Note on Moores Distinguishability Theorem, IRE Trans., vol. EC-10, pp. 290-291, 1961.

Gill A., Cascaded Finite-State Machines, IRE Trans., vol. EC-10, pp. 366-370, 1961.

Gill A., State-identification Experiments in Finite Automata, Information and Control, vol. 4, pp. 132-154, 1961.

Gill A., A Theorem Concerning Compact and Cyclic Sequences, IRE Trans., vol. IT-8, p. 255, 1962.

Gillespie R. G. and Aufenkamp D. D., On the Analysis of Sequential Machines, IRE Trans., vol. EC-7, pp. 119-122, 1958.

G i n s b u r g S., On the Length of the Smallest Uniform Experiment Which Distinguishes the Terminal States of a Machine, J. Assoc. Comput. Mach., vol. 5, pp. 266-280, 1958. [Русский перевод: Гинзбург С, О длине кратчайшего эксперимента, устанавливающего конечные состояния машины, «Кибернетический сборник», №3, ИЛ, 1961.]

G i п S b U г g S., А Synthesis Technique for Minimal-state Sequential Machines, IRE Trans., vol. EC-8, pp. 13-24, 1959.

G i n s b u r g S., On the Reduction of Superfluous States in a Sequential Machine, J. Assoc. Comput. Mach., vol. 6, pp. 259-282, 1959.

Ginsburg S., A Technique for tiie Reduction of a Given Machine to a Minimal-state Machine, IRE Trans., vol. EC-8, pp. 346-355,1959.

Ginsburg S., Synthesis of Minimal-state Machines, IRE Trans., vol. EC-8, pp. 441-449, 1959.

Ginsburg S., Connective Properties Preserved in Minimal-state Machines, J. Assoc. Comput. Mach., vol. 7, pp. 311-325, 1960

Ginsburg S., Some Remarks on Abstract Machines, Trans. Am. Math. Soc, vol. 96, pp. 400-444, 1960.

Ginsburg S., Compatibility of States in Input-independent Machines, J. Assoc. Comput. Mach., vol. 8, pp. 400-403, 1961.

Hartmanis J„ Linear Multivalued Sequential Coding Networks, IRE Trans., vol. CT-6, pp- 69-74, 1959.

Hartmanis J., Symbolic Analysis of a Decomposition of Information Processing Machines, Information and Control, vol. 3, pp. 154-178, 1960.

Hartmanis J., On the State Assignment Problem for Sequential Machines, IRE Trans., vol. EC-10, pp. 157-165, 1961.

Hartmanis J., Loop-free Structure of Sequential Machines, Information and Control, vol. 5, pp. 25-43, 1962.

H i b b a r d T. N., Least Upper Bounds on Minimal Terminal State Experiments for Two С asses of Sequential Machines, J. Assoc, Comput. Mach., vol. 8, pp. 601-612, 1961,

Hohn F. е., Seshu S. and Aufenkamp D. D., The Theory of Nets, IRE Trans., vol. EC-6. pp. 154-161. 1957.

H о 11 a d a у J. C. and V a r g a R. S., On Powers of Non-negative Matrices. Proc. Am. Math. Soc. vol. 9. pp. 631-634. 1958.

Huffman D. A., The Synthesis of Sequential Switching Circuits, J. Franklin Inst., vol. 257, pp. 161-190. 275-303. 1954.

Huffman D. A., Information Conservation in Sequence Transducers. Proc. Symposium on Information Networks, pp. 291-307.1954.

Huffman D. A.. The Synthesis of Linear Sequential Coding Networks, pp. 77-95 in C. Cherry (ed), «Information Theory*. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1956.

Huffman D. A.. A Linear Circuit Viewpoint on Error-correcting Codes. IRE Trans., vol. IT-2. pp. 20-28. 1956.

Huffman Di A.. An Algebra for Periodically Time-varying Linear Binary Sequence Transducers. Annals of the Computation Laboratory, vol. 29, pp. 289-203, Harvard University Press, Cambridge. Mass., 1959.

Huffman D. A., Canonical Forms for Information-lossless Finite-state Logical Machines, IRE Trans., vol. CT-6. pp. 41-59, 1959.

H u z i n 0 S,, On Some Sequential Machines and Experiments, Mem. Fac. Sci., Kyushu Univ., ser. A, vol. 12, pp. 136-158, 1958,

H u z i n 0 S., Reduction Theorems on Sequential Machines. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyushu Univ.. ser. A. vol. 12. pp. 159-179, 1958.

H u z i n 0 S., Some Properties of Convolution Machines and Sigma Composite Machines, Mem. Fac. Sci., Kyushu Univ., ser. A, voL 13. pp. 69-83, 1959.

H u z i n 0 S., On Some Sequential Equations, Mem. Fac. Sci.. Kyushu Univ.. ser. A. voL 14. pp. 50-62, I960.

К a p a Ц у б a A. A.. Решение одной задачи из теории конечных автоматов. Успехи матем. нэтк. т. 15, вып. 3, 1960.

Lee У. Y.. Automata and Finite Automata, Bell System Tech. J., vol. 39, pp. 1267-1295, I960.

Lippel B. and Epstein I. J., A Method for Obtaining Complete Digital Coding Chains, IRE Trans., vol. EC-6, p. 121. 1957.

McCluskey E. J.. A Comparison of Sequential and Iterative Circuits. Trans. AIEE. vol. 78, pt. 1. pp. 1039-1044. 1959.

McCluskey E. J.. Introduction to State Tables, pp. 109-119 in E. J. McCluskey and T. C. Bartee (eds.). «A Survey of Switching Circuit Theory*. McGraw-Hill Book Company. Inc.. New York, 1962.

McNaughton R.. The Theory of Automata, a Survey, pp. 379- 421 in F. L. Alt (ed.), «Advances in Computers*, vol. 2. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1961.

Mealy G. H.. Method for Synthesizing Sequential Circuits. Bell System Tech. J., vol. 34. pp. 1045-1079, 1955.

M e z e i J. E., Minimal Characterizing Experiments for Finite Memory Automata, IRE Trans., vol. EC-10. p. 288, 1961.

Moore E. F.. Gedanken-experiments on Sequential Machines, pp. 129-153 in C. E. Shannon and J. McCarthy (eds.). «Automata Studies*, Princeton University Press, Princeton. N. J., 1956.

Narasiinhan R., Minimizing Incompletely Specified Sequential Switching Functions, IRE Trans., vo . EC-IO, pp. 531-532, 1961.


Net her wood D. В., Minimal Sequential Machines, IRE Trans.,

vol. EC-8, pp. 339-345, 1959. P a u 11 M. C. and U n g e r S. H., Minimizing the Number of States

in Incompletely Specified Sequential Switching Functions, IRE

Trans., vol. EC-8, pp. 356-367, 1959. Rabin M. O, and Scott D., Finite Automata and Their Decision

Problems, IBM J. Research Develop., vol. 3, pp. 114-125, 1959.

[Русский перевод: P a б и н М. О., Скот Д., Конечные автоматы

и задачи на разрешение, «Кибернетич. сборник», № 4, ИЛ, 1962.] R а п е у G. N., Sequential Functions, J. Assoc. Comput. Mach., vol. 5,

pp. 177-180, 1958. Reed I. S., Mathematical Structure of Sequential Machines, pp. 187-

196 in E. J. McCluskey and T. C. Bartee (eds.), «A Survey of

Switching Circuit Theory», McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,

New York, 1962.

R u n у 0 n J. P., Derivation of Completely and Partially Specified State Tables, pp. 121-144 in E. J. McCluskey and T. C. Bartee (eds.), «A Survey of Switching Circuit Theory», McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1962.

Schubert E. J., Matrix Algebra for Sequential Logic, Trans. AIEE, vol. 78, pt. I, pp. 1074-1079, 1960.

S e s h u S., Mathematical Models for Sequential Machines, IRE Natl. Conv. Record, vol. 7, pt. 2, pp. 4-16, 1959.

Seshu S., Miller R. E. and Metze G., Transition Matrices of Sequential Machines, IRE Trans., vol. CT-6, pp. 5-12, 1959.

Seshu S. and Reed M. В., Linear Graphs and Electrical Networks, pp. 250-260, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Reading, Mass., 1961.

Simon J. M., Some Aspects of the Network Analysis of Sequence Transducers, J. FrankI n Inst., vol. 265, pp. 439-450, 1958.

S i m 0 n J. M., A Note on the Memory Aspects of Sequence Transducers, IRE Trans., vol. CT-6, pp. 26-29, 1959.

Srinivasan C. V., Narasimhan R., On the Synthesis of Finite Sequential Machines, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., vol. 50, 1959.

Stearns R. E. and Hartmanis J., On the State Assignment Problem for Sequential Machines, IRE Trans., vol. EC-10, 1961.

Stern T. E. and F r i e d I a n d В., The Linear Modular Sequential Circuit Generalized, IRE Trans., vol. CT-8, pp. 79-80, 1961.

T p a x T e H б p 0 T Б. A., 06 операторах, реализуемых в логических сетях, ДАН СССР, т. 112, № 6, 1957.

Unger S. Н., Simplification of State Tables, pp. 145-170 in E. J. McCluskey and T. C. Bartee (eds.), A. Survey of Switching Circuit Theory, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1962.

van Aardenne-Ehrenfest T. and de Bruijn N. G., Circuits and Trees in Oriented Linear Graphs, Simon Stevin, vol. 28, pp. 203-217, 1950-1951.

Y 0 e 1 i M., The Cascade Decomposition of Sequential Machines, IRE Trans., vol. EC-10, pp. 587-592, 1961.

Z a d e n L. A., From Circuit Theory to System Theory, Proc. IRE, vol 50, pp. 856-865, 1962.

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